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Squamous cell skin cancer

Squamous cell skin cancer

As well as basalioma type skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma begin to form in epidermis layer, although an invasion to derma (deep layer of skin) is characteristic as well.


Squamous Cell Carcinoma is one of the most common skin cancer forms all over the world. It is related to being in the sun for too long, visiting solarium, the fashion of tan, bad habits and some certain work conditions ( petroleum industry, farming and etc.). During the last decades the morbidity in squamous cell carcinoma has increased by 100% approximately.

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What is squamous cell skin cancer?

Comparing to basalioma it is a five times rarer skin cancer type. This skin cancer type develops out of precancerous diseases:

      • actinic keratosis impacted, open to sun body parts, inside the skin and mucous membrane. Its origin are the same cells as in basalioma case;
        • keratinocytes, although the course of the disease differs. Metastasis is characteristic for this form of skin cancer as much as for melanoma.

Signs of squamous cell skin cancer:

Usually this type of a cancer looks like a red spot, little sore or has a shape of a node, it also may be covered with a shadow. The color of a tumor usually is red or may not be different from the skin color. The growth is slow at first. Subjective signs ( pain or itching ) often does not come out.

If any of these signs are noticed, you should seek for a dermatologist's advice. There are certain tests to identify a benign or malignant skin tumor – dermatoscopy or siascopy. Diagnosis is confirmed after doing a hystologic or cytological test.

Predictions on squamous cell carcinoma depend on its stage, when the illness was diagnosed. Depending on the stage the right treatment is chosen ( surgery, laser removal, radiotherapy, criodestruction, photodynemic therapy).

Squamous cell skin cancer treatment

An early diagnosed squamous cell gives up to a radical treatment but forms of later skin cancer stages are treated using combined methods, unfortunately may end up with death as well. There are several methods of treatment for squamous cell skin cancer:

        • medical treatment,
        • cryodestruction,
        • laser destruction,
        • photodynamic therapy,
        • radiation therapy,
        • skin cancer surgery,
        • combination of several methods.

As well as basalioma type skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma begin to form in epidermis layer, although an invasion to derma (deep layer of skin) is characteristic as well. In cases when invasion seeks only epidermis, skin cancer squamous cell carcinoma is called Bowen’s disease.

Squamous cell carcinoma does not have as characteristic view as basaliomas but it has been noticed that these tumors may begin with slowly growing erythematous maculas or papules that develop into knots that tend to ulcerate. Tumors may hurt.
Both – basal and squamous cell skin cancers – are nonmelanoma skin cancers.

An early diagnostic of any skin cancer type gives better chances to a full recovery.