Skin cancer risk factors

Skin cancer risk factors
    • Sun influence to the skin. The majority of skin cancer types are caused by an ultraviolet radiation (a long-term sun influence or intensive sun impact for short periods, sunburns as well). Children get a skin cancer rarely but patients who spent a lot of time in the sun in childhood or had severe sunburns are tend to get various types of skin cancer in adulthood. 
    • sunless tan (fake tan). Risk of skin cancer increases for people visiting solariums or using special tan lamps.
    • Light skin. People having light skin, light or red hair, blue eyes and freckles get a greater risk for skin cancer as their skin is more prone to sunburn than tan.
    • Former sunburns or slight skin. There is a greater skin cancer risk for skin areas infringed by fire, sun or various other substances.
    • Precancerous skin diseases. 
    • Skin cancer detected in the past. Individuals who were diagnosed with skin cancer in the past have greater risks for skin cancer again.
    • Radiation therapy applied in the past. Skin cancer risk increases to those patients who had skin cancer in the past and were applied radiation therapy.
    • Skin cancer among family members. If one of the parents had a skin cancer in the past, the risk for you to fall ill with skin cancer increases twice.
  • Age. 
  • Chemical substances. Another risk factor for skin cancer is various chamical substances.
  • An abundance of moles. One of the most noticeable risk factors of skin cancer is the number of moles, especially if a patient can count 100 and more.

How to reduce the risk of skin cancer?
Remember not to enjoy sunbaths for a long time during summer days, otherwise, do not forget to use sun protection; have a full check of moles and other suspicious tumors at least once a year; avoid visiting solariums as they are not safer than an actual sun.

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