Basal cell carcinoma is one of the most common skin cancer forms all over the world. It is related to being in the sun, visiting solarium and the fashion of tan. In the past few years the morbidity has increased by 100% approximately.
Signs of Basal cell carcinoma:
Usually basal cell carcinoma looks like a red spot, little sore or has a shape of a node. The color of this formation is often red or does not differ from the skin color, it may have a nacrous shine. The growth is slow at first. Subjective signs ( pain or itching) usually does not come out. If any of these signs are noticed, you should seek for a medical (dermatologist's) advice.
There are certain tests to identify a benign or malignant skin tumor – dermatoscopy or siascopy. Diagnosis is confirmed after doing a hystologic or cytological test. Predictions on basal cell carcinoma depend on its stage, when the illness was diagnosed. Depending on the stage the right treatment is chosen (surgery, laser removal, radiotherapy, criodestruction, photodynemic therapy).
Basal cell skin cancer treatment
Such a skin cancer as basal cell carcinoma is treated the same way as any type of skin cancer. There are several methods of treatment:
Cryodestruction – a procedure of a skin cancer treatment, during which low temperature liquid nitrogen is used. The procedure allows to remove benign skin lesions, such as warts, papilloma or tumors of epithelial origin.
Medical treatment – prescription of most effective medications in order to treat a skin cancer.
Laser destruction – basal cell skin cancer treatment using a laser.
Photodynamic therapy – during the procedure a substance sensitive to a light is applied on a skin lesion and after 3-6 hours the area is enlightened with special rays.
Basal cell skin cancer surgery – depending on a size of a tumor, it's anatomic area and the origin of a lesion a surgery volume is determined. Usually a local anaesthesia is chosen.
Radiation therapy – one of a complex skin cancer treatment methods applied to a quarter of patients.
Early detected skin lesions can be removed without great consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to check moles or other lesions once in a while.